Art. 1 _ Purpose
SOLO AI ‘23 Awards is an open call that aims to foster, acknowledge and support the use of AI as an artistic tool within the paradigm of the digital world.
The new aesthetics and languages of AI are shaping the contemporary art field at an accelerating rate, raising a full range of questions about the present and future of artistic creation. This new human-machine collaboration not only democratises artistic production but also questions its very nature: authorship, originality or creativity are constantly problematised in an artistic practice that combines personal self-expression and collective research. For this reason, SoloJSN, hosted by Colección SOLO, creates SOLO AI ‘23 Awards to encourage artists to expand on and enrich the possibilities around innovative digital art.
SOLO AI will grant one artist the grand price of 10.000 euros to be selected from among 10 finalists eligible for the possibility of taking part in a collective exhibition held at Espacio SOLO (Plaza de la Independencia, 5 Madrid 28001 Spain) between February and December 2023.
Art. 2 _ Participation
SOLO AI ‘23 Awards is open to all kinds of artists, without any age limits or qualification requirements.
The call will only accept digital artworks in all formats (animations, photographs, illustrations, videos, sound, digital paintings, etc.) in which the intervention of AI as an artistic tool is relevant to the creative process of the artist.
The number of entries per artist is unlimited and must be submitted through the following form (https://forms.gle/w2QgoBzee7QK1Sd48), including the details below:
Email address
Social media
Short bio (optional)
Artwork link (Drive, iCloud, NFT marketplace, social platforms…)
Password to access to the artwork (if needed)
Technical specifications of the artwork
Additional information (optional)
The open call will only accept links allowing access to the artwork, not the file itself, whether public or private. If the artwork remains private and a password is required it must be attached to the form. Minted artworks may be submitted.
Update 23/11/23: Now you can also submit your proposal via Joyn.xyz!
Art. 3 _ Selection System and Jury
The jury will be formed by SoloJSN and the Colección SOLO team. The results will be public and communicated to the finalists via e-mail.
The open call is subject to modifications that will be publicly announced. Any public communication will be made via Twitter: @SoloJSN
Art. 4 _ Prizes and Benefits
1 Artist Prize
10.000 euros (gross) to the winning artwork. Local and state taxes are the responsibility of the prize recipient.
Participation in a collective exhibition that will take place between February and December 2023 at Espacio SOLO (Plaza de la Independencia, 5 Madrid 28001 Spain).
Travel and accommodation expenses in order to attend the opening of the exhibition at Espacio SOLO.
9 Spotlight Artists
The 9 artworks selected will be eligible to the possibility of taking part in the collective exhibition that will take place between February and December 2023 at Espacio SOLO.
Colección SOLO may acquire artwork from among those selected.
Art. 5_ Deadlines
The submission process will be open until 31 January 2023 23:59 (CEST)
The communication of the 10 finalists will be published via Twitter (@SoloJSN) on 15 February 2023.
SoloJSN reserves the right to modify the dates if deemed necessary.
Art. 6_ Participation requirements
All participants undertake to be the owners of the intellectual property of the works submitted.
All participants undertake to cede the right to exhibit the works submitted either if they are the owners of the pieces or if the work is owned by a third party between February and December 2023.
Art. 7_ Copyright
The artists hold the rights to the information and pieces submitted but grant SoloJSN the use for purposes of communication, divulgation and promotion via social media during and after the call.
Art. 8_ Contact
For any enquires: solojsn@coleccionsolo.com or Twitter account @SoloJSN.
Last updated